> Ask the user 2 enter sales for each day of the week Amounts should be stored in a list Use a loop to calculate all sales

Ask the user 2 enter sales for each day of the week Amounts should be stored in a list Use a loop to calculate all sales

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
sales = []

for i in range (7):

--- sales.append (float (raw_input ("Enter sales for day " + str (i+1) + ": ")))

In the future, you should always include your attempt to complete your assignment.

And remember, in Python, it is important to show indentation (which Y!A removes) so either use "--- " for each indentation level, or use #end comments to delimit blocks, or use a code-posting site (ideone.com, codepad.org) and post the link here.

Ask this question again and please specifiy a programming language so we know how to format our responses. Thanks