> Can someone help me write this delete method in my java linked list code?

Can someone help me write this delete method in my java linked list code?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Here is the instruction for the method :delete(): it takes on generic type argument. This method delete the all the nodes with the element same as the passed argument. It returns void.

Find the node right before your node to remove.

If not null, set the node.next to note_to_remove.next

Else -> Node was head so set head to node_to_remove.next

Safely remove the Node

public class MyLinkedList > {

MyNode head;

public void add(E data) {

MyNode n= new MyNode(data);

n.next= head;

head= n;


public void delete(E element) {

MyNode prev= null, current= head;


public boolean find(E element) {

MyNode current= head;

while (current != null && !current.element.equals(element))

current= current.next;

if (current != null)

return true;

else return false;


public String toString() {

String result= "";

MyNode current= head;

while (current != null) {

result += current.element + " ";

current= current.next;


return result;


public void insertElementBefore(E element, E newElement) {

MyNode prev= null, current= head;

MyNode n;

while (current != null && !current.element.equals(element)) {

prev= current;

current= current.next;


