> Hello can i ask a c programming example using a function?

Hello can i ask a c programming example using a function?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
int addTwoNumbers (int n1, int n2) { int t = 0; t = n1 + n2; return t }. It's been years since I actually programmed in C, so that example may not compile. It's still close enough to understand.

int add2numbers(int y, int z)


.....return (y + z);


int main()


......int x = 0;

......int y = 10;

......int z = 5;

......x = add2numbers(y,z); .....// x now equals 15.

......return 0;


The dots are just used for spaces since Y/A only allows one space. The function is defined at the top and used on the forth line in 'main'.

what is the question?