> How does Android development help me?

How does Android development help me?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 

Take up android training only is you are really interested in it, but don't choose that field just because it booming. If you do so you might get bored again.

And bout taking up android course, you need to know java before learning android. Before taking you the course i suggest you take few demo classes. Zarantech provides such demo classes for more details go here http://www.zarantech.com/course-list/and...

I want to second what Rankine Zero said with the added caveat that of course it may not necessarily get you work directly. What it can do however is improve your perspective on dot NET coding so it can get you more of the same old work, potentially, if it doesn't get you android work. And it can get you some Android work.

I would like to tell you that .net is not bad technology but if you are having interest in android developing then you should go in the field of android otherwise i,ll suggest you that you should not choose this.

I would recommend YES for this. Android is big market and one can easily mint money through it. However android apps are in demand.

Firstly you need to do work on live project training after that you can apply for the job I hope you can get.

Anything that expands your skills and keeps you from being bored with your chosen profession helps you.

So yes.

There is 6 step to development :

Step 1: Basic Layout

In this first step, we define the user interface for searching employees.

Code highlights:

EmployeeList.java: The default Activity of the application. setContentView() is used to set the layout to main.xml.

main.xml: the layout for the default activity of the application.

Step 2: Working with Lists

In this second step, we add a ListView component that will be used (in the following step) to display the list of employees matching the search criteria. In this step, we just use an ArrayAdapter to display sample data in the list.

Code highlights:

main.xml: The updated layout with the ListView.

EmployeeList.java: An ArrayAdapter is used to populate the ListView.

Step 3: Working with a SQLite Database

In this third step, we use a SQLite database to persist the employees. When the user clicks the Search button, we query the database, and populate the list with the employees matching the search criteria.

Code highlights:


In onCreate(), we use the DatabaseHelper class to open the database.

In search(), we use a Cursor to query the database. We then use a SimpleCursorAdapter to bind the ListView to the Cursor using a custom layout (employee_list_item) to display each item in the list.

DatabaseHelper.java: We extend SQLiteOpenHelper to manage the access to our database: If the database doesn’t yet exist, we create the employee table and populate it with sample data.

employee_list_item.xml: Layout to display each item in the list.

Step 4: Using Intents and passing information between Activities

In this fourth step, we create an Activity to display the details of the employee selected in the list. We start the EmployeeDetails activity by creating an Intent.

Code highlights:

EmployeeList.java: in onListItemClick, we create a new Intent for the EmployeeDetails class, add the employee id to the intent using intent.putExtra(), and start a new Activity.

EmployeeDetails.java: The Employee details activity. We retrieve the id of the employee using getIntent().getIntExtra(). We then use a Cursor to retrieve the employee details.

employee_details.xml: A simple layout to display the details of an employee.

Step 5: Calling, Emailing, and Texting an Employee

In this fifth step, we interact with some of the built-in capabilities of our phone. We use Intents to allow the user to call, email, or text an employee. We reuse the EmployeeDetails Activity to allow the user to display the details of the manager of the selected employee.

Code highlights:


In onCreate(), we build an array of actions (call, email, sms, view manager) available to the user depending on the information available for the displayed employee (for example, we only create a “Call mobile” action if the employee’s mobile phone number is available in the database).

EmployeeActionAdapter is a custom list adapter that binds each action in the actions array to the action_list_item layout.

In onListItemClick(), we create an Intent corresponding to the action selected by the user, and start a new activity with that intent.

action_list_item.xml: Layout for each action in the actions list.

employee_details.xml: Updated employee details layout.

Step 6: Navigating Up and Down the Org Chart

In this sixth step, we create a new Activity to display the Direct Reports of the selected employee, allowing the user of the application to navigate up and down the org chart of the organization. We also improve some elements of the application: for example, we polish the user interface in several layouts, and we populate the database using an XML documents as opposed to the hardcoded sample data used in the previous steps.Step 1: Basic Layout

In this first step, we define the user interface for searching employees.

Code highlights:

EmployeeList.java: The default Activity of the application. setContentView() is used to set the layout to main.xml.

main.xml: the layout for the default activity of the application.

Step 2: Working with Lists

In this second step, we add a ListView component that will be used (in the following step) to display the list of employees matching the search criteria. In this step, we just use an ArrayAdapter to display sample data in the list.

Code highlights:

main.xml: The updated layout with the ListView.

EmployeeList.java: An ArrayAdapter is used to populate the ListView.

Step 3: Working with a SQLite Database

In this third step, we use a SQLite database to persist the employees. When the user clicks the Search button, we query the database, and populate the list with the employees matching the search criteria.

Code highlights:


In onCreate(), we use the DatabaseHelper class to open the database.

In search(), we use a Cursor to query the database. We then use a SimpleCursorAdapter to bind the ListView to the Cursor using a custom layout (employee_list_item) to display each item in the list.

DatabaseHelper.java: We extend SQLiteOpenHelper to manage the access to our database: If the database doesn’t yet exist, we create the employee table and populate it with sample data.

employee_list_item.xml: Layout to display each item in the list.

Step 4: Using Intents and passing information between Activities

In this fourth step, we create an Activity to display the details of the employee selected in the list. We start the EmployeeDetails activity by creating an Intent.

Code highlights:

EmployeeList.java: in onListItemClick, we create a new Intent for the EmployeeDetails class, add the employee id to the intent using intent.putExtra(), and start a new Activity.

EmployeeDetails.java: The Employee details activity. We retrieve the id of the employee using getIntent().getIntExtra(). We then use a Cursor to retrieve the employee details.

employee_details.xml: A simple layout to display the details of an employee.

Step 5: Calling, Emailing, and Texting an Employee

In this fifth step, we interact with some of the built-in capabilities of our phone. We use Intents to allow the user to call, email, or text an employee. We reuse the EmployeeDetails Activity to allow the user to display the details of the manager of the selected employee.

Code highlights:


In onCreate(), we build an array of actions (call, email, sms, view manager) available to the user depending on the information available for the displayed employee (for example, we only create a “Call mobile” action if the employee’s mobile phone number is available in the database).

EmployeeActionAdapter is a custom list adapter that binds each action in the actions array to the action_list_item layout.

In onListItemClick(), we create an Intent corresponding to the action selected by the user, and start a new activity with that intent.

action_list_item.xml: Layout for each action in the actions list.

employee_details.xml: Updated employee details layout.

Step 6: Navigating Up and Down the Org Chart

In this sixth step, we create a new Activity to display the Direct Reports of the selected employee, allowing the user of the application to navigate up and down the org chart of the organization. We also improve some elements of the application: for example, we polish the user interface in several layouts, and we populate the database using an XML documents as opposed to the hardcoded sample data used in the previous steps.

I'm currently working on Microsoft .net base. I feel the work is monotonous.

And i have even observed that Android is gain its market scope very drastically.

Will it be good if i take up android training course.

Your suggestions?