> How to learn to type fast?

How to learn to type fast?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
What new method? I learned to type with my fingers on the middle line of the letter keys over 60 years ago! You use your little finger of your right hand to press the P key. It should be easy to do because you keep your fingers of your right hand on the j k l ; keys, so the P is right above the ; key. Your left hand should rest on the a s d f keys.

I wish I could type 85 words a minute!

Go here and take some of these tests. These are pretty good lessons.


And it does take practice practice practice!

It's all about personal preference. I normally type at about 100wpm, but I can go up to 130wpm (however at 130wpm I'm prone to more spelling mistakes). I also NEVER type the "proper" way - I use my two index fingers, and occasionally hit the other keys with some of my other fingers (like I hit shift with my left pinkie). Once I got to high school, my computer class teacher nagged at me about my typing habits, but I refused to do it "properly" because when I type how you're "supposed" to I type like 40wpm. I'd always pretend to type correctly when the teacher walked by, but as soon as she left it was right back to my preferred way! Bwahaha.....lol.

ANYWAY, my point is that you need to find your own way. Try googling some typing-speed-improvement websites, there's plenty on the internet. If you can't increase your typing speed no matter how hard you try, don't sweat it. 85wpm ain't bad at all! Most people I know only type at average 40wpm.

How to Learn to Type Fast

Are you looking for some tips

and tricks to mastering the

keyboard ? Nowadays, typing is

almost en everyday necessity

so it's crucial that we begin

to learn the proper ways of

keyboard usage.

Things like online marketing,

online business, eCommerce,

or maybe even work requires that

you type, so becoming better at

it will make your job a whole lot

easier. The keyboard allows

individuals to be more independent

and productive while also getting

tasks done in a quicker amount

of time.

Also, typing faster can enable

someone to keep up with their brain.

You know that little voice in

your head with the great ideas

that only stay there for a couple

of seconds. So if you're looking

to type at a faster pace, don't

worry because in this article,

we've hooked you up with tips

to get you started on your road

of typing quicker and more efficient.

Now, a couple of these tips are

probably quite obvious to you,

but keep an open mind because

we've incorporated some extras.

Ditch All The Old Habits

First, you need to get rid of

those bad habits that you've

been doing for years. Are you

the type of person who only

uses two fingers when typing?

Or even worse, do you only use one?

If you're a First Person Shooter

(FPS) gamer then you are probably

used to placing your left hand

on the keyboard around the WASD keys.

Now, you may be comfortable with

the pace that you're typing right now,

but you must fight the urge and

break those bad habits.

The correct way to type is to

place the left index finger on

the "F" key and the right one

on the "J" key. Then, you lay

the rest of your fingers in order

next to the index ones. To type,

you simple move whichever finger

is closest to the letter you

are trying to reach, and then

return back to the main position.

It sounds hard now, but with

practice it will become easier

and easier.

Learn To Touch Type

Next up, is touch typing.

Touch typing is when you can

simply type without having to

look at the keyboard, but instead,

focusing on the screen. For most

typists, looking at the keyboard

usually slows down their performance.

Now just like with anything else,

you can't get here overnight.

Maybe it will take weeks, maybe

months, but with practice, you

will begin to improve more and more.

Even if it slows you down,

don't go back to typing the way

you used to.

It will all be worth it in the

end. Each day, just practice

more and more, and set goals

as to where you want to be.

Also, focus on memorizing the

keyboard and the spacing because

it will help tremendously.

Make Use Of Basic Keyboard Shortcuts

It's no surprise to us why both

Mac and Windows have a ton of

keyboard shortcuts. I know what

you may be thinking, "Well if

both of my hands are already

on the keyboard, then why would

I waste even more time using a

mouse to navigate?"

You do not have to put pressure

on yourself by trying to remember

every single one of the hundreds

of shortcuts, but try your best

to remember the common ones.

Remember to keep it simple and

have fun with your progress.

Before you know it you will be

a typing master.

believe it or not, I've learned chatting with my friends on facebook. I just looked at the way your fingers are placed to know where the keys are placed. At the begging it was frustrating, but now I know how to type quicker and without having to look at the the keyboard, and I did it in a funny way socializing with other people instead of just typing some sort of book in a program online or forcing myself to stick to a program that is just boring. You can also learn by typing more answers here.

Practice makes a man perfect. For having good typing speed you have to practice a lot. You can also use some of the practice tools like typing tutor etc.

Practice makes a man perfect

Practice makes a man perfect

Practice makes a man perfect

Practice makes a man perfect

Practice makes a man perfect

use a typing software like ten fingers typing tutor. Its free and helped me from typing REALLY slow and having to look at the keyboard like a thousand times to smoothly typing at 70 bpm. Then to hone your skills, try websites like typeracer.

Practice makes a man perfect

go for typing class

go for typing class

For me, my fingers never rest on the keys all at the same time. That's ridiculous and that's why the P key feels so unnatural. I use my right ring finger, but my hands move around the keyboard a lot. Other than that, I look at the screen instead of my fingers and it becomes kind of second nature like driving. You know how you just know where the end of your car is and how far to drive when you turn? It's like that. You got to get used to your keyboard. I've gotten used to the school keyboards and my laptop. If I get on a different one, I have to re-teach myself quickly. I also have trouble typing x, c, and v (mainly because my left hand is always covering that area). Maybe some people have different trouble zones on the keyboard. The more you type, the easier and faster you'll type. You have to get used to typing. If I had to type a word like zoologist it takes me a lot longer than typing Pokemon. I talk a lot about Pokemon and not about zoology. You know?

The best way to type fast is through practice.The more you practice the more fast you become.

Keep doing it. I have been typing since i first got my first computer. I kept on typing everyday and now I dont even need to look at the computer.

You can learn typing with different ways. Install software in your computer. It's typing tutor, really easily lesson and perfect guide.

Install Typing Master in your computer. You can learn its tutorials and guaranteed for you type faster..

If you can type 85 wpm then you are already typing fast.

go with typing master it will improve ur speed but u have to take patience and keep practicing.

use any typing softwares in begining stage

1) typing test

2)typing master


... first use these apps to type,, then try typing in ms-word ...

i.e you can type any stories,, are your study books, are use that word file to type your personel details (just like your personal diary)

All time practice

All time practice

Learn to use a different keyboard layout called Devorak

All time practice

All time practice

Practice but in order to continusly do this try chatting with friends, using forums etc... this will surely help you.

go for typing class

You are already typing fast. Be practicing you can type fast.