> I have a question regarding visual basic 2012 that deals with average test score?

I have a question regarding visual basic 2012 that deals with average test score?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Public Class Form1

Private Sub btnEnterData_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnEnterData.Click

Dim _builder As StudentBuilder = New StudentBuilder()

For Each _student As Student In _builder.GetAllStudents



End Sub

End Class

Public Class Student

Public Property Name As String

Public Property Scores As Integer()

Public Function GetGrade() As String

Dim _result As String = "F"

Select Case GetAverage()

Case Is >= 90

_result = "A"

Case 80 To 89

_result = "B"

Case 70 To 79

_result = "C"

Case 60 To 69

_result = "D"

' Grade E was missing in requirements

End Select

GetGrade = _result

End Function

Private Function GetAverage() As Integer

Dim _result As Integer = 0

For Each i As Integer In Scores

_result += i


Return _result / Scores.Length

End Function

Public Overrides Function ToString() As String

Return String.Format("Student Name:{0} Score:{1} Score:{2} Score:{3} Grade:{4}", _

Me.Name, Me.Scores(0), Me.Scores(1), Me.Scores(2), Me.GetGrade())

End Function

End Class

Public Class StudentBuilder

Private _students As IList(Of Student) = New List(Of Student)

Public Sub New()

Dim _numberOfStudent = CInt(InputBox("Enter total number of student?", "Number of Student"))

For i As Integer = 1 To _numberOfStudent

Dim _student As Student = New Student()

_student.Name = InputBox("Enter student name? ", "Student name")

Dim _scores(2) As Integer

For idx As Integer = 0 To _scores.Length - 1

Dim _message As String = String.Format("Enter {0} {1}'s score?", _student.Name, idx + 1)

_scores(idx) = CInt(InputBox(String.Format(_message, idx + 1), "Score?"))


_student.Scores = _scores



End Sub

Public Function GetAllStudents() As IList(Of Student)

Return Me._students

End Function

End Class

I could do it with a bit of time is there any means to contact you privatly?

Create an application that allows a teacher to enter

three test scores for each of his/her students and create a list of average scores for each student.

First of all the application should ask for total number of students. Then the application should calculate each student’s average test score and assign a letter grade based on the following grading scale 90 and above = A, 80-89 =B, 70-79=C, 60-69=D, and Below 60 = F.

Once the user clicks on Enter Data button, the application should ask for total number of students. Then ask for students name and the 3 test scores. All the data should be listed in a listbox