> Naming conventions for solution elements.?

Naming conventions for solution elements.?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I see these, two of them standard Java style conventions that appear to be in use::

1. Use camelCase for names of variable, fields and methods, and TitleCase for class and interface names.

2. Use nouns for field names and verbs for method names. (Only fields shown here.)

3. "Hungarian notation", which is the use of prefix on variable and field names to identify the data type: "str" for a String, frm for a Form. This one is not a usual Java style convention, though.

Lauren is developing a data dictionary and object descriptions for a software development project. Part of the dictionary is shown below:

Data Dictionary

strSurname String Contains the name of the each customer’s surname

Object Descriptions

frmMain Form Form that will open on start-up

1. Identify three conventions that have been followed in the above naming convention

What does it mean by convention and could you give me an example?