> Need help with java using BlueJ?

Need help with java using BlueJ?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
The question is:

To write a recursive method that print an input string in a reverse “V” shape

and then a “V” shape


If the input string is “1234567” which has an odd number of characters,

then the output is:









If the input string is “abcdef” which has an even number of characters,

then the output is:







I'm not sure which one to use here.

- public static void printVshape (String str, int i)

- public static void main(String[] args)

If I start with the first one,

I get to this:

public static void printVshape (String str, int



if(i<0) return;

String outline;

(not sure what to do next)

but if I use the second one I have to use a scanner object.

Can someone finish the code for me?