> Please help! I have write a program through Arduino that converts Celsius to Fahrenheit and I feel so lost!?

Please help! I have write a program through Arduino that converts Celsius to Fahrenheit and I feel so lost!?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
What part are lost on?

F = (C * 1.8) + 32 is the formula.

You need to set up a serial port and listen for a byte. When the byte comes in, do the above and return the result by writing it out on the serial port. BTW, using integers you will get a result that is rounded to the whole number so it wont be all that accurate. For instance 27C is actually 80.6, but you will get 80.

Write a program that converts Celsius to Fahrenheit. Use the serial port to send an integer to the Arduino from the computer. The user will enter a temperature in Celsius into the serial port. The Arduino will do the conversion and send the result back using the serial port. Display the result with appropriate units.