> So I almost got ISS/Suspension today for an interesting reason...?

So I almost got ISS/Suspension today for an interesting reason...?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
hnically accessing/trying to access a computer through a network that you dont have access to ( you only have access to the client machines not the network ) it legally considered hacking. since most public schools are VERY poor they tend to take any vandalism even if it is not permanent VERY seriously.

i worked in a school district for a few years and i have seen people get EXPELLED for a simple batch script that looped creating hundreds of folders on the desktop.

as a general rule dont even try and access a different computer or network resource unless you have written permission by the school's Technology department....

the school is simply protecting their assets.

Start with going to your teacher and explaining to them and show them the code you were running.

So on Friday a friend and I were in our AP Computer Science class and we created a program that could write a file. It could write any file type as long as the user typed it. All it did was create text files, but we added a loop that could duplicate the file the number of times the user desired. We also added a way to define the directory. Just out of curiosity since the computers were all connected to the same network we tried creating a file on another computer. THIS COMPUTER WAS NEXT TO ME AND HIS. Of course school filters didn't allow a regular user to do that. And Monday we both got called down to the assistant principal because we got accused for hacking into the school firewall and corrupting files and making a huge security breach. All the program did was create text files and what not. I am a straight A student, play football and soccer, do theater, and never get in trouble. Why did they think I was hacking, WHEN THEY HAVE PROGRAMS BLOCKING INDIVIDUALS FROM DOING SO. If anything I just proved their security WORKS and they said if any issues arise in the school (technology wise) that I would be held responsible for replacing ANY and ALL machines affected, as well as network devices and what not. ALL OF THAT FOR TRYING TO LEARN SOME CODING IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. I feel like the school is turning me into a criminal for learning and enhancing what I learned in my classes. So is my Assistant Principal justified for doing this to me?