> Use the Shutdown command with multiple computers in script form?

Use the Shutdown command with multiple computers in script form?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Create a text file with one computer name on each line and change the "C:\computers.txt" part of the script to match the path and filename of the text file.>

Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject...

strWarning = "Due to network maintenance, this computer must be restarted. You have 5 minutes to save your work from the start of this countdown. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. "

strDelay = 300 'Delay given in seconds; change this value to your preference, or set it to 0 to give no delay at all

'Open a text file of computer names

'with one computer name per line

Set oTS = oFS.OpenTextFile("C:\computers.txt")

'go through the text file

Do Until oTS.AtEndOfStream

'get the next computer name

'store it in variable strCompname

strCompname = oTS.ReadLine

WshShell.Run "C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -m \\" & strCompname & " -r -c " & Chr(34) & strWarning & Chr(34) & " -t " & strDelay 'Replace the "-r" switch with "-s" to make the computers shutdown instead


'close the text file


for /F "delims=" %%a in ('net view^|find "\\"') do shutdown -r -t 300 -f -m %%a

I'm aware of the shutdown /i command with will give me a GUI interface, but that uses more time then me programming a script to run that will cause all computers on the network to restart themselves. The command I have is

get-content .\computer_names.txt | foreach-object {shutdown /r /t 300 /f}

But each time it runs it only restarts the computer I'm using which isn't on the list. What should be added to make this command work?