> A simple problem again in java programming language need help guys T_T?

A simple problem again in java programming language need help guys T_T?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
There are couple of ways to do this....here is one:

create three variables for fail, pass,and students and set them all to zero

get input

check if the grade is a pass or fail

if it is a pass increase the pass variable by one and increase the student variable by one

if it is a fail increases the fail variable by one and increase the student variable by one......

then print the fail, pass, and student variable.

here's my problem :

Enter the interger grade of a students ranging from 0-100. and determine if they pass or fail


diplay the total no. of students and if they pass or fail

for example i've input 3 grades

the number of students is "3"

student 1 pass

student 2 fail

student 3 fail

so my question is how can display the number of grades the user inputted

if i inputed 6 grades how can i display it as a total no. of students