> Bash sell touch command?

Bash sell touch command?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Look up the wc command. It has options to give you word count and byte count of a file.

something like:


for file in $dir/* ; do

touch $f

echo -n "$file "

cat $file | wc -w -c


or echo "$file `cat $file |wc -w -c`"

If you don't mind the filename on the end, then just

wc -w -c $file

Write a script named lab6s3 that takes a directory as an argument. This script then

touches every file in the given directory, and prints as output (to the console) the name,

word-count, and file size (in bytes) of every file in the directory.

So i have a folder called touchFolder and i need to cycle through it. how can i do this.

so far i have tried the find command

find /home/akhachadouri/touchFolder -print -exec touch {} \

can anyone help.