> Can you use a Mac for programming?

Can you use a Mac for programming?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I just started programming. Havnt actually ran any programs yet. Can u run programs on mac?

Yes. They are even better for it than windows in some ways. I actually prefer it to my windows pc for a lot of stuff. It's pretty similar to coding on Linux.

There are even some Mac only tools that are vastly superior to what you find on windows. It all depends on what you're doing.

Not sure what made you think you can't run programs on a Mac. You can't run windows programs on a Mac by default but there are ways around that. As long as there is a Mac version of something it will run natively.

Macs don't run programs, and you can't write programs on them because Macs are not really computers.

They are magical conduits into the spirit of Steve Jobs.

You simply pray to your Mac and Steve Jobs makes it happen.

Aaaand how !

I don't like anything by Apple because they produce more marketing that real useful stuff, but if you have already thrown the money on an Apple product, then yes, you can very easily use it for programming. It has some nice IDEs too ... you should look it up on Google. Depends on the language too ... for Web Development in PHP you would need to install XAMPP, which is the version for Mac of the PHP, Apache and MySQL stack. For other languages you might need to install compilers, I dunno what it can already compile by default.

Absolutely yes. I'm a Linux Geek but do agree with Nick. The Cocoa framework -- which is free for OS X developers and about a hundred dollars for IOS developers -- is as good as any tool chain out there. And those of us who like the GNU tools can use them with no trouble.

Can you use a Toyota Camry to cross a street at a green light? I just started driving. I haven't actually driven anywhere yet?

yes you can.

I just started programming. Havnt actually ran any programs yet. Can u run programs on mac?