> Certain websites are formatted in plain text instead of html in all my browsers....?

Certain websites are formatted in plain text instead of html in all my browsers....?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Clear your history, cache and cookies in your browser. Access the page again. If the problem persist, uninstall and install your browser. P.S. Have you tried it with another browser?

You are receiving the HTML if you can get plain text and you are missing the CSS(Cascading Style Sheet). I recommend reinstalling your browser to fix the problem.

When you say "plain text", do you mean exactly that?? No pictures?

I can not get the "The Huffington Post" on none of my browsers. I use to be able to get it but now for some reason I can't. My mom tried to get on jw.org and it does the same thing. But so far these are the only two sites that show as plain text.

What can be done to get HTML?