> Could you review the design of my website NOT COMPLETE so far?

Could you review the design of my website NOT COMPLETE so far?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
It's a very good point that you have actually written it rather than using something like Wordpress; that's an immediate sign to avoid any place claiming to be a web design outfit....

Technical comments:

The CSS should be in a separate file rather than inline, so the browser is not being forced to reload at each new page.

The background image is very slow loading - I'd look for something smaller or faster.

BIG problem - you don't have a DTD or html version header, so browsers don't know how to parse the page, it's guesswork.

Second big problem - there is far too much non-display stuff like javascript; the visible content of the page is less than 15% of the total page size; it should really be 60%+

It has a lot of markup errors...

Run it through the W3C validator and fix them all to start with.

Also (or first) view the source of the validator site page and grab the first bit - the doctype and html definitions - to paste in to your page.

That sets it up with the proper DTD etc. for maximum compatibility & minimum chance of problems.

[Electronics designer & programmer for 40 years, also ISP / hosting owner and web programmer].

Hmm... well, I give it 6.5/10 for the modern feel, layout and smooth scrolling.

Where you could improve, imho, is on using a consistent design and semiotics. You've got cartoon faces, a desert, a city street. What's the messaging here? How is a desert related to a web creation agency?

You have a nice looking design, who is your hosting provider?

After the desert the first thing I see is the 2 cartoon pictures. I think I would put that down after you list the services so there is less 'searching' to see what it is you actually offer. The CAPTCHA is a little cut off at the bottom.

Good luck :).

is good. the page look professional and aesthetic look nice. i have see no vulnerability yet good choice for use recaptcha to protect form from the many script and bot. the recaptcha is hardest to crack but keep in mind that can be done with the ocr. your domain name simple good to remember.

Well Robert has nailed it, got nothing much to add except that rather than clogging it all up on one page, you could always go for multiple pages. e.g. services, feedback, about us, etc.

very good :) I think the two faces right on the home page are a bit weird tho

Could you review the design of my website the content and text isnt actually finished yetbut if i could get some feedbackthat would be helpful constructive critisism only please http://www.ajwebcreation.co.uk/