> Do I have enough time to learn, or should I move on to something else?

Do I have enough time to learn, or should I move on to something else?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Re: the community service part of your question which you stated you are "desperately" in need of. Here is an idea which takes minimal time commitment but is personally rewarding and true community service. You would also be starting your own program which some think is better than joining an existing club or charity. Check out the instructional video to see how football plays into this. www.OnGiantsShoulders.ORG

It's not too late for you to start learning how to program. It's actually too early. The kids who started earlier will be burned out by time they are ready to get a real job.

are you kidding me! Lol I wish I had started earlier in my life. PLAY around with whatever you can find on the net. First thing I ever made was a clock. Then a Roman numeral converter etc... Play whenever you have time. It really is fun and rewarding when you have a finished product that works.

Currently I'm in 10th Grade, and I am having second thoughts about becoming a Computer Programmer. I am interested in it, and I do want to be able to learn how to code apps for iOS/Android and design Websites, however, my schedule is pretty tight.

I'm desperate for some community service (Joined three clubs this year), and have Football practice until 6 PM. I also have to finish homework and study. I do want to get into Calculus BC next year.

So do I still have time to get familiar with the programming languages? Like Python, Javascrit, C++, and SQL. Especially since I heard skill/experience matters more than a degree, etc., I'll be competing with others who might have more time to study these than me. Maybe I could wait until the Summer, but would that be a bit too late? I would still have Football practice and classes.

So it's either that, or focus on another job that interests me, which would be either a Biological/Biomedical Engineer or Accountancy.