> Fortran programming for mac?

Fortran programming for mac?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I don't have any knowledge for MAC, but I don't think it's any different from windows of linux.

Go here: http://www.g95.org/downloads.shtml and download the g95 compiler for MAC. After that you only need a text editor

There are three things you should do, in the following order:

1. Download xCode from the Mac App. Store

2. In xCode, go to Preferences > Downloads and download the developer tools.

3. Install a modern Fortran compiler. The g77 is no longer supported. Instead, go to


to download the latest gnu compiler. It's pretty nice and up to date. (I have a comparison of the various fortran compilers on my blog: http://www.nocturnalaviationsoftware.com...

There's no need to use iTerm - you can use the Mac Terminal program found in the utilities folder of the applications folder.

David Kopriva

Nocturnal Aviation Software

I've spent 3 hours trying to figure out how to use fortran on mac. I've downloaded iTerm and the g77 compiler, but nothing is working out!

I opened the vim file and attempted to run but it didn't work.

I desperately need help, my project requires knowledge of fortran and I'm dying here.

Please help :( thank you