> Help with C++ extra credit?

Help with C++ extra credit?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
See if you can convert this Python2 program to C.

n = 1

f0 = 0

f1 = 1

print 0

if n>1: print 1

for i in range (n-2):

--- fn = f0 + f1

--- print fn

--- f0 = f1

--- f1 = fn

"Please read about the Fibonacci numbers at


then write a program, and save it in lab02.cpp, that asks how many

numbers it should generate in the Fibonacci series.

Remember that the first two numbers are

0 and 1

so you already have two numbers in the series when you start.

Please write a function named Fibonacci that takes an int indicating

the length of the series. The function prototype could look like

void Fibonacci( int length );

Use a local array of size 20 to store the sequence of numbers and

then print the sequence in reverse order (largest number first);

display 6 numbers per line and use 5 positions for each number;

if the user asked for 20 numbers, your program should display

4181 2584 1597 987 610 377

233 144 89 55 34 21

13 8 5 3 2 1

1 0

Your program should make sure that length the series (i.e., the

int being passed to the Fibonacci function) is >= 2 and <= 20;

otherwise your program should display a message that length is out of

bounds and terminate the execution"

My code so far:




using namespace std;

void Fibonacci( int );

int main( )


cout << "how many numbers in the Fibonacci Series? ";

int n; // n numbers in the Fibonacci Series

cin >> n;

Fibonacci( n );

return 0;


I am stuck as to what to do next, please help :C