> How do I make a script?

How do I make a script?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I'd adapt something that's already created. Pick up a book on PowerShell programming and work the problem.

$validUrls = ".\ValidUrls.txt"

if (Test-Path $validUrls) { Remove-Item -Force $validUrls }

$result = New-Item -Type File -Path $validUrls

Get-Content Urls.txt | Where {$_ -notmatch '^\s*$'} | Foreach-Object {

$url = ($_ | Check-Url)

if ($url.IsValid)


$url.Url | Out-File $result -Append



You're going to need an input file ValidUrls.txt

I want to create a script that can retrieve the url of videos in a youtube playlist, somehow feed it into something like youtube-mp3.org, and save the audio file into a predetermined folder. Problem is I have zero experience with this sort of stuff and have no idea where to start.

So, what do I need to learn to create a script? I was thinking something like:

- python

- basic html/css

- something like wget

Some help?