> How should I create an app? ( Please be serious)?

How should I create an app? ( Please be serious)?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
You do NOT need a domain name to create an app.

You can create an app on any PC.

But it will only be available to someone who has access to that PC.

But don't worry about other details until you have the app developed.

You can make an attempt to develop it yourself. Do you have the time? Or are you to busy with other things?

But hiring a developer takes time also. You have to find the person and then make your ideas clear. If you think you can do the latter in 5 mins then you are fooling yourself.

You seem to be confusing the concept of a website and an app a little bit. You can have either without the other. Websites will develop your website for you. Apps aren't usually part of that package. (There may be exceptions I'm unaware of.)

You didn't say if you know *anything* about computer programming. An app is a computer program.

I have some basic computer programing in Python and Java. Is there a way to create an app to pull all the information from my website.


here is what I'm talking about of appbuilder

In my opinion build your own! Use eclipse, It is open-source(free) and has a great user interface for adding components. Android Coding is basically Java and xml(modified) and these languages are simple enough to use!

Beginning Android Application Development is a great book with examples and will learn you in a few weeks how to build an app.

As for apple, you have to use their own software and the language is C which is much more difficult than java and xml. Here are some links for Books and the link for eclipse:



Make sure to download the android debugger and emulator for Eclipse. It allows you to have an android system on your laptop to test your app On

Hi Any employer who has tried to hire a web developer recently knows all about the supply-and-demand problem. In today's specialist economy, skilled web developers are needed, but often hard to find.We have great experience,I’d be happy to help with your project. Contact me@ http://appmaisters.com


Do I need a domain name to create an app?

Should I hire a developer?


Should I use one of those websites you pay a monthly fee and they help you do everything for the main platforms?

if I decide to go with the idea of the website that I will not use any code myself. here a few questions:

How Do I know that If I make a lot of money I will not have to give them part of it?

How do I know they are not going to steal my idea?

What websites should I be aware of not to do business with?


I have a website already but I don't have app for it is it easy to do?

I also want To make some new apps with some good ideas I have.