> How to design simple multi-variant logo?

How to design simple multi-variant logo?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Logo designs are usually created with vector image editing software, not raster image editors like GIMP/Photoshop/Paint.NET. Using a vector image editor would be much better, especially if you want to customize colors in a logo, since it would just be a matter of changing the color of the fill in the parts you wish to change.

The top selling vector image editor is Adobe Illustrator, but it's expensive. Inkscape is Open Source, as GIMP is, so it's free http://www.inkscape.org

Here's a screen shot of Inkscape showing how you could easily customise a logo with new colour fills

I want to design a simple logo for my team (5 people). I want it to be the same, but the colorsdifferent for every player. Are there any specific tutorials I can look at? Or maybe some advice. I prefer using gimp or paint.net, but other softwares are ok too.

Thank you :)