> How to make a script that verifys what you are typing?

How to make a script that verifys what you are typing?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Verifies, not "verifys". But you are credible, when you boast that you're unable to

program. You'd be surprised at the beginners we find who claim expertise in C and C++,

and then ask amazing questions. But don't memorize pi. Just remember 4*atan(1.0).


> John (gnujohn)

So, i was wored and though, "hey why dont i make a script that trains you in learning pi".

And ive made this script where pi has only 10 decimal places, i tried doind it like this it like this:

if pi="3"

then read pi

else echo "wrong"


if pi="1"

then read pi

else echo "wrong"


if pi="4"

then read pi

else echo "wrong"


This seems to be working but its a lot of work, is there a diffrent way of doing something like this?

I cant program at all so ive no idea how to do this.