> How would you put 3/4 in the Eclipse program for Java?

How would you put 3/4 in the Eclipse program for Java?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
You wouldn't.

How would you set your garage to 45 mph for Honda Civic?

By the way, how did you put 3/4 into your question?



It constantly amazes me how people ask questions here and include unimportant information (such as using Eclipse) and avoid giving context.

Why are you trying to use 3/4. Have you tried using a broiled hamburger instead? If not, why not?

You accept that you stated your question poorly, but you failed to improve it at all.

Java programs consist of text. Copy and paste the text into your question (as an update to the question -- don't try to squeeze it into a comment).

Here is an example of a program containing 3/4 that you can try and see if it works:

public class HelloWorld {

public static void main (String [] args) {

System.out.println ("My favorite fraction is 3/4, but I also like 7/8.");

