> I want to become a Java programmer. Should i use Mac or windows.?

I want to become a Java programmer. Should i use Mac or windows.?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Java works on both, but, I recommend a Windows PC, because of choices of less overpriced hardware, especially if you get a desktop.

The only reason to get a Mac is to develop iOS apps. Btw, Android uses Java. In most workplaces Macs are absent, except media, art, photo, publishing, and maybe web development companies.

It doesn't matters which OS you are using. What matters is that you have a proper JDK version installed for that specific OS.

Windows is the user friendly platform for any software. So, please use Windows.

Yes. Or a Mac. I wouldn't use a refrigerator. But seriously, java is cross platform, that was it's goal, so you can use any computer that has java. Nifty, eh?

Use whichever one you would find most best. I use Windows because I find the window snap feature very helpful with keeping one half of the screen dedicated to code and the other half dedicated to the documentation lol

OK thanks, so if I use Mac will I get the same experience


It doesn't matter. It's java. Most of the IDEs for Java are even written in Java and are identical regardless of platform you use.

Java software platform applies to both Windows and OS X operating systems as well as Linux, so you would probably want to be familiar with both.

You almost never need to use a MAC for anything.

Any of them you can use.