> I want to learn to code computer softwares?

I want to learn to code computer softwares?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Learn C. It is sort of "the parent" of many modern languages. For web development which is probably what you would like there are plenty of options. For small to average projects: PHP, Ruby, Python. For medium to enterprise level: C#(.NET) and Java. I would suggest the latter two as they are very powerful.

You can get free access to programming classes from major universities such as MIT, Stanford, etc., at the sites www.edx.edu and www.udacity.com. You can pay for the classes if you want credit, but if you just want to learn, then they are free. These are the exact same classes taught in the classroom by the exact same instructors.

More options:




VB is not too hard to start out on but it is a really weird language compared to most. Beware of that when starting. I think VB is good because it is so different from C and similar languages that you can use those languages to help shake your brain up a bit when you get burnt out.

I usually recommend starting with Python, but since you've already got a VB.net program you are using, you might as well learn that.

The plural of software is software.

if you want to make a career of it you may as well try to learn C++ lots of people wanting that where i'm from - i started with VB.net - it didn't let me down

Python is good to start out on

I'm a beginner in computer programming...

I know basics of html/css but I guess that has nothing to do with computer softwares.

I want to learn to code computer softwares!

What language I should learn first? I'm a marketer and I hired someone to code a computer program according to my requirement and he did it in VB.net and I want to code similar programs.

So should I learn that first? I'm totally confused!

Please Help! and also recommend some books that I need to order!

Thanks. :))