> Is it okay to start learning JAVA as first language?

Is it okay to start learning JAVA as first language?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Well Java is quite prominent and one of the widely used language these days, but I would suggest you to learn C before. It is because C is the mother of all language. The basic concepts of any programming lies within C like loops, arrays,etc. Further after C you need to learn C++ as it was the first object oriented language and its concepts of OOPS are the basics of Java. However, if you become proficient in these two languages, then it will be too easy to learn Java as the basic concepts are same, but only the syntax differs from C and C++. If you directly switch to java, you will face a lot of problems as your basic concepts will be unclear. So, C > C++ > Java is the proper sequence.

Yes, you can definitely start learning Java (or any other language) as a first language, but I would usually recommend an easier language like Python.

You can always start with Java and if it seems too difficult, you can switch to Python.

And, you should assume you will learn more than one language. My first programming course in college taught 2 languages.

Well.. learning Java first is okay. But to get into its depth and to learn it for actual application of it, I would suggest C as a starter. Hell, yeah! Nobody uses "C" these days. But its really great going with the basics than jumping in the water all at once though clearer it seems.(Homogeneous substances do exist!) It hardly takes some 1.5 to 2 month. Even lesser, if enough time provided. With some changes in syntaxes and advancement in features, next comes C++, which is quite similar syntatically to JAVA. Get along with it. And, then soar with JAVA, Time to be considered for sure. Else C++ then JAVA is also a good option.

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Yes--many colleges teach Java for their C.S. curriculum, with C# gaining ground as well.

If you know Java, you know C#--they're both object-oriented languages and the syntax is nearly identical (looks like C++, by and large). The only difference is the class libraries they use--that's where most of the work is--learning how to use the class libraries for each language.

Java is the current choice for AP Computer Science classes, which are many high school students' first exposure to programing.

So, yes. Java is a good choice.

There are many things running on Java these days like Android is the one so yes java is good.

Before starting with JAVA I will suggest you first go with C and C++. That will help you lot more

yes you will start Java . Web9Cloud envisioned and pioneered the adoption of the flexible business practices that enable companies to operate more efficiently and produce more value. web9cloud provides java, c++. if you strat java contcet with URL: http://web9cloud.com/about.html

Oh I thought you meant you wanted to replace English with Java

According to me you should start with C, C++ & then with JAVA.

may be this is not first language to start

Yes, jump in. The water is fine.

probably not?