> Is it worth writing software that's been done countless times before?

Is it worth writing software that's been done countless times before?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
From personal experience, I would say when you're getting started with programming it is worth it because you can mess around and see how you could improve it, and if you get stuck there's people who can help you. For more experienced programmers, Don't just do something to do it. Do it because its something you thoroughly enjoy (unless you work for a company of course). This way, you wont get stressed working on it, you'll be more motivated, and you will feel more accomplishment. Not to mention it will end up better quality.


Here's one ...

Instead of just writing "an IM program" ... How about incorporating several methods of communication into a single app / suite and getting them to support several standards of data IO ? ...

Possibly one audio-only VOIP module, one full video module (that works on everybody's connections / screens / devices), one file Xfer module that works with either of the other 2, and NO FRIKKIN' EMOTICONS!!) ...

Maybe even inclde a side-window that links to someone's personal ftp locations for a real web-based folder instead of a social media up/dload location, so that people can share their files with others by secure FTP instead if watching 50 ads to get a 60k file from a friend.

But seriously, sounds like it's time for You to start working in integration between apps and code instead of just focusing on single programs.

You don't think MS Office started out as just Word, do You?. :)

{Oh, wait a minute ... D'Oooohhh}


Through the years I have been programming I have written MANY crappy, useless, already done, programs, JUST for the experience. That is how you learn. Not by reading someone else's code but by writing it yourself.

P.S. I have made exactly $0. off of all of those crappy, useless, already done programs, but the learning was priceless, and I have made a pretty good living off of that!

I agree with Willie 100%. I honestly can't think of anything more to add... Nothing wrong with recreating something--It's all about getting the experience along the way.

On one hand, I know that even if you write a crappy, watered down version of (for example) an instant messaging program, you still get the experience.

On the other hand, I feel like my projects should offer something new or innovative, or is at least different from the other IM programs out there. I don't want people to say, "oh, it's ANOTHER IM program."

Am I overthinking this? Is it worth to write a crappy IM even if there are millions just like it?

The purpose of starting the project in the first place would be for:

1) Something to put on a resume to impress employers or talk about during interviews

2) Knowledge/personal growth

3) Practical utility (I value this one pretty highly; I want my projects to be of some practical use, and I usually can't motivate myself to do something that doesn't really have any real-world application)