> Java programming question: Why is my FlieWriter program outputting chinese characters when only English was entered?

Java programming question: Why is my FlieWriter program outputting chinese characters when only English was entered?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
This is a character encoding issue. You might be able to use TextEdit's File > Open command to open the file using a different text file encoding, such as Western (Mac OS Roman).

However, FileWriter is a pretty inadequate and ancient class and there are better options.

Personally, I suggest you use PrintWriter, as in this example:

try {

.. PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter("/Users/yourusername/filenam... "UTF-8");

.. out.println ("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");

.. out.close();


catch (Exception e) {

.. System.out.println ("Cannot open output file");

.. System.out.println (e);


Once you've opened the output stream, you can use print(), println () and printf () on it, with any reasonable set of parameters, so it's very simple to use. The only hassle is you've got to put these statements in a try { } with a suitable catch ().

Maybe the flie was chinese.

I am a beginner learning Java, and am working through a program that is supposed to output a txt file with certain lines of English text. I'm using the FileWriter and BufferedWriter objects, and the write() and newLine() objects. I'm running this on a mac, would that have anything to do with it?