> Javascript: Can anyone assist me this algorithm?

Javascript: Can anyone assist me this algorithm?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Couple issues here. Firstly, as SailorDumb says, you need an end quote on line 5 where you define the variable 'result'. Otherwise, the browser interprets the ENTIRE rest of the script as part of that string variable.

Next, replace f = parseInt(document.getElementById('fn'); with

f = parseInt(document.getElementById('fn').v...

Firstly, we're putting in an ending parenthesis ')', second, we're specifying that we want the VALUE of this input box.

Next, when initiating the loop, you need to initiate it by saying:

for (var i=f; i
As you have it, you've got an undefined variable, that you then assign a value of an HTML DOM object.

Finally, do you want it to report the numbers like "2", THEN "3", THEN "4", or do you want it to just list all numbers at the end? Either way, you need to move the "result+=i+' '" INSIDE the loop.


line 5, result="; you need another quote

write a javascript program in html that will allow user to enter first number and last number, and when user clicks on a display button it will display all number inclusively

what i've done so far

Number Display

function display(){


var f, l;

f = parseInt(document.getElementById('fn');

l = parseInt(document.getElementById('ln');

for (i=fn;i





First number :

Last number :

the program doesnt run correctly as i desire, can anyone correct where there is a mistake