> Learn computer programming.?

Learn computer programming.?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
For game programming you need to be good at Mathematics(mostly Linear Algebra) and Physics. Alongside that you most likely need to become very good in C++, if you intend to tackle ambitious projects.

My advice for you is to actually just learn to program in a specific language, be it C++ or C# or Java ... whatever you choose and whatever feels like you would love programming in. Solve problems in that language and do a lot of exercises to improve your logic. Write code everyday and tackle as many problems as you can find and you can find a lot of them. There are sites that offer them, there are books that train you to think in a certain language and so on. Game developing, in my opinion, is rarely useful. I used to play video games, I don't any more. They are a waste of time and resources. It's much better to go outside and play tennis, football, handball ... whatever you like. But if you learn Math, Physics and a programming language very well, you can do useful stuff with them.

Programming is NOT like Olympic gymnastics or concert violinist. You don't have to start young.

I took my first programming course when I was 20. I took 4 programming courses in college and was hired as an entry-level programmer after I graduated at 22.

Try Python





Because you are young, it isn't surprising that you are focusing on games, however, most programmers work on business programs.

Im 16 and at school ive chosen computer science , maths, physics and art . My goal is to be a computer game programmer/( maybe designer ). I dont know if its too late or not to start because i read people starting at when they where 13 and stuff... Even though im going to start learning at school i would like to learn at home aswel more. So i would like to know of any good sites that teach you or any advice on this subject and how to self learn.