> Learning How to Create Games in HTML 5 for My Final Year in School?

Learning How to Create Games in HTML 5 for My Final Year in School?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 

I am currently in my final year of school and one of the subjects that I am taking is called Software Design & Development in which we are learning HTML5, and have been for 9 months. For my final year I have to complete a major work to which I was wanting to make a game similar to this ( http://community.simtropolis.com/topic/60729-project-avalon-a-grid-based-citybuilder-now-with-a-name/ ) in terms of how it looks, etc, however instead of doing a city building game, I would prefer to do a remake of Capitalism II, with a few differences, of course.

A few questions:

Firstly, we haven't learned how to work with sprites, etc in HTML 5, more so on creating mobile websites - however I am competent with HTML, CSS, JavaScript - and also jQuery and Angular. So would it be hard to pick up, if so, would you recommend a book/YouTube tutorial/any other source in which to learn how to do this.

Secondly, would I be able to learn how to make this, AND be able to make a working version of the game within 12 months if I were to put 8 - 10 hours work into it per week (12+ hours during the holidays). The game doesn't have to be able to sell within 12 months, it just must have a working UI, and there needs to be a core function to the game (a way to lose, and a goal to the game). But after my final year of school I would like to continue development.

Any help from anyone would be amazing! Thanks Guys, wish me luck for my final year :D