> Need to be good at math to program?

Need to be good at math to program?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
You need to be able to think logically.

Computers and the math used in computers commonly require some combinatorics, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, lambda calculus, algebra/arithmetic and/or group theory to fully understand. The more math you have, the better.

Calculus never hurt, nor did discrete multivariate continuous blah singlevariable blah string theory number X.

Math is a tool so that you can understand what you are doing and it can make you a better coder. Many programming languages are very close to mathematics, so being able to understand why decisions were made, the ideas behind your language and solutions written in them makes you better.

Of course this probably sounds like bad news to you.

Fortunately, though, you _DO NOT_ need anything more than basic algebra to write working code.

Mathematics just allows you to generalize problems and solutions to which a solution is intuitive.

The point is really to just understand what you're doing. If you program and find that you enjoy it very much, you will find that programming leads very naturally into mathematics.

Understand how I said math leads to a generalized solution? Learning math from English, such as in a basic maths class, is relatively difficult: it's about making a very large jump from something extremely imprecise (English language explanations) to the most formal, precise language in existence (mathematics). A solution in code (which is a misnomer) has the benefit of being far, far more precise than English (it's enough for a machine to understand), but not terribly formal or "math-like": it's an intermediate step. In some cases the translation from code to math is direct.

So you don't need to know anything other then maybe algebra. Everything else just helps.

What you do need is the ability to think in the way required for programming. Not everyone does; some people just don't get it. You will know from the first few lessons whether or not this is the case. And best of luck to you.

How old are you? Don't give up school just to become an app developer. Keep on studying. You need math courses like Logic math and Calculus.

You might get away with not knowing any math, but this will limit the type of app you end up developing.

Depending on the type of app, you need very little math or lots of advanced math (or anything in between).

The problem is that programming requires the same kind of abstract and logical thinking that math requires, so if you were bad at math, chances are you're going to struggle with programming, too.

If you can learn to program, you can learn Math.

There is no excuse except that you don't want to.

I'm going to start learning Java because I want to be an Android app developer. The problem is I don't know much math. To be honest I stopped learning math in 7th grade, i'm way behind in math. Do I need to be good at math to make it as an Android app developer?