> The task of Editor in..........?

The task of Editor in..........?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
The task of the Editor in any programme such as Yahoo Answers must be very involved in order to end up with a workable programme that causes to offence to the various readers, yet is of enough interest to suit the majority of the members. The editing of submitted questions and answers must be a nightmare.

However, why is it that the same concerns are not shown to the questions asked ?

Some of the questions asked are obviously asked by those mischief makers with nothing better to do, in the belief that they they are humorous rather that stupid. Other questions and comment offered are submitted by those who's grasp of grammar is so intentionally warped, that it is impossible to know what the Hell they are trying say. It is also sad to relate that some of the questions asked indicate such a lack of education that providing any answer that would be considered as 'helpful' in any way, has so far proved to be impossible.

Don't you think that an Editorial which concentrates on some of these very obvious Yahoo Answers 'screw ups', would benefit the programme greatly. Failure to do something about these concerns, leads one to view the future of a fine programme, lapsing into a nonsensical jumble of inane ramblings brought about by the great unwashed.

In waht? Newspapers? TV news shows? Publishing/

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