> Using python 3.4.1 I'm trying to find all numbers you can divide 1234 by.?

Using python 3.4.1 I'm trying to find all numbers you can divide 1234 by.?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I tried

>>> a=1234

>>> b=0

>>> b+=1

>>> while b<1235:

---------try a/b

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

a =1234

print [x for x in range (1, a) if a%x==0]

You may not be able to do it from the command prompt (>>>). The b+=1 needs to be INSIDE the loop.

Instead of a "try", you should use the modulo (%) operator to test the division.

print [(x,a/x) for x in range (1, int (a**(.5))) if a%x==0]

Edit: If you want to use a while loop, then

a = 1234

b = 1

while b<=a:

.... if a%b==0: print b

.... b += 1

I tried

>>> a=1234

>>> b=0

>>> b+=1

>>> while b<1235:

---------try a/b

SyntaxError: invalid syntax