> Website to type essay?

Website to type essay?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Microsoft Office is completely free at Office.com.

Google Docs. Or install a free version office program like LibreOffice.

Google Docs suck, but that may be your only easy option.

For a full-featured word processor, when you have more time than "it's due tomorrow", take a look at LibreOffice or Apache OpenOffice. Both are free, open-source projects based on the original Sun OpenOffice.org product. You get most of the features of MS Office (the database components are not as mature as MS Access, and you don't have a Publisher equivalent.) Both can import from and export to Word or Excel formats, though some presentation features will not be pixel-perfect. For essays or other paragraph-structured documents, you shouldn't have serious issues.

Google Docs

Have an essay due tomorrow but I have to type it and I have no program to type it the way it needs to be (I need something like Microsoft office word) so is there a website I can use to do this, I tried looking one up but I don't really know how to word the search.