> What i can do to improve my website? A web for custom notebook?

What i can do to improve my website? A web for custom notebook?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Web link: notebookmaker.weebly.com

I would not buy from a site that is too cheap to buy their hosting and domain name. What else are you ready to cut corners on?

blahblah.whatever.com does NOT instill trust.\

In the middle of your first page this question: What we can do? Gee. I'd like to know that too. Since it doesn't actually say anywhere that I can find, I'll move on.

You cooperated? With what? The law? Great way to chase off customers.

After having to click thru all of your pics on this page: http://notebookmaker.weebly.com/product....

I'm still at a loss as to what you're about and what you do. Ever hear of text?

Now I just need wait? No thanks.

Price? Where? I see NOTHING about prices.

Outlook and gmail email addresses? Really? Can you be any more unprofessional?

No contact info. No addresses. No phone numbers. No customers.

You need a better about page.

Browsers might land on your site but they're going away with having zero idea what you're about.

1. buy a domain and hosting

2. install wordpress and buy wordpress theme (eleganthemes, themeforest, etc...)

3. hire an english native speaker to write the content of the websites ( this way your website will be look more professional.

4. hire a seo/linkbuilder/social media manager to bring traffic, rank and promote your website. :)

There is quite a bit that can be done to improve this. The first thing you will want to do is buy your own domain name and web hosting. No one will trust you if you don't care enough about the site to have these. You can browse around online for different hosting providers or check out webneto.com.

The next thing you will want to do is have more content on your pages, especially your home page. There is just a single slideshow and a header image. Nobody will know what you are trying to convey on your website nor will they care enough to try.

*.free-provider.com is a great way to scare off customers. It does not build trust which is essential especially as you only have a few seconds before your visitor makes up his/her mind and potentailly leaves your website never returning.

A web hosting package can range from ~$4 per month and is usually backed by a lengthy 30-60 day money back guarantee so you can try some providers without any risk. In our case, we also include a free domain name to keep the costs down for you.

You're using @gmail and @outlook.com as your contact email addresses. Whilst this isn't really a problem in itself, it is not really encouraging. Opting for a hosting provider (see above) you will be able to create email accounts associated with your own domain name (name@yoursite.com) for example which you can also integrate into Gmail and Outlook so that builds trust.

Web link: notebookmaker.weebly.com