> What is a web-site "page"?

What is a web-site "page"?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
A web page is what you see when you click a link on the Web - all the text and photos, like a magazine page. Or more accurately, like a roll of parchment like in Harry Potter or the UK Parliamentary archives.

At least it used to be that way - each URL went to a distinct page, and you'd click "next" to get to the next page in a long article. But then programmers made pages that keep growing as you scroll down, kind of like new text magically appearing on a parchment roll as you unwind it.

Why is it used ? Well, the idea of links is baked into the HTML standard from the beginning, and that defines the concept that you click a link in one web page and get to another page. The idea that you'd see something like a page of text probably came from people's experience with printed books, where unlike scrolls of parchment or papyrus, the page size was limited by the printing press. There are programs that will take one document and format it either for printing, where there's assumed to be a certain size of paper like US letter or ISO A4, or for the Web. The Web version looks the same as the paper one, with page numbers and links to the next and previous pages. The same thing happens with eBooks. But it doesn't have to be that way, as I said earlier. Many sites, including Yahoo Answers, have changed to the infinite scrolling model where the idea of a page doesn't really apply anymore. But we still use the word, when we really mean URL (uniform resource locator) like http://example.com/some/resource.html

Ty Rande and Nick already gave good definitions, but as an example: You go to flashscore.com for example. That is the home page(or you could call it the main page). From there, by clicking on tennis you will be taken to another page and so on and so forth. So all those pages are part of a single website defined by the name of its homepage: flashscore.com. That's why it is called a website, cause it's a site in this web of computers that the internet is.

A web page or webpage is a document commonly written in HyperText Markup Language (HTML) that is accessible through the Internet or other network using a browser. A web page is accessed by entering a URL addresses and may contain text, graphics, and hyperlinks to other web pages and files. The page you're reading now is an example of a web page.

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Like others have said, a webpage is what you see when you type a URL, or web address, into your browser.

A webpage is essentially like a page in a book, as others have also said, and contains whatever information that a web developer or designer chose to include within the page. Some pages can pull content from servers or databases, in order to display data to a user dynamically.

If you click on a link that is on a webpage, it will take you to another webpage, which may also contain other information, photos, data, and even other links!

Another way to think of a webpage is as a part of a website, as websites are comprised of one of more webpages. You could think of the website as a book and a webpage as the individual pages of the book, that make the up the whole website.

If you are interested in learning how to design and develop webpages or websites, there are a variety of free tutorials available online, in both text and video based format, many of which are easy to follow and provide lots of examples. Below are some links to tutorial websites that you may want to check out!

Text-Based Tutorials:



Video-Based Tutorials:


http://YouTube.com/thenewboston (Look for HTML tutorials at first!)



The above websites contain tutorials on a variety of things related to web design and development, but I would suggest that you start with learning basic HTML, followed by CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and whatever else you're interested in!

Best of luck and I hope I helped you!

Are you trying to make a website? If so, I'd probably recommend you go with WordPress as that way, you won't have to fiddle as much with web pages and such. You simply click 'Create Page' or 'Create Post' and you're good to go in terms of having the links etc all pre-set.

A page is like a page in a book. Simple as that.

You can have an about page, a contact page, a page that addresses a topic: ie worms.

A website holds your website pages, basically. It's all just a series of pages, and instead of being bound like a book, they are linked with links.

This is a really hard question to answer because a page is exactly what it sounds like. A website is like a book and clicking a link takes you to another page just like turning the page in a book. Basically.

Web-site page is a online book which carry text, graphics and animation. It is design with many tag language. people can read this book only form web.

A website page is a page where represent the information of business and farm production .

for beginners there's http://w3-video.com/ presenting video demonstrations

Since I am NOT a techno-geek, or computer programmer, I would request no answers from such persons, since I would NOT understand your answers anyway.

What I need is a simple, grade-school English style definition, of just what a web-site "page" is, and what, and why, it is used.

I would try to use web-hosts "tutorials", but these, as well, are written for people who already understand this tech. NONE of it is written for ordinary people.

I am asking for regular people to answer this question, in regular English.

Can someone help?