> What is p tag in html and where is use of it.?

What is p tag in html and where is use of it.?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 

is a paragraph tag that is used for paragraph formatting .

Paragraph Tag


tag defines a paragraph.

Browsers automatically add some space (margin) before and after each

element. The margins can be modified with CSS (with the margin properties).

I think you should start with some tutorials for beginners. You will learn a lot more, plus HTML is really easy to learn.

The HTML p element inserts a paragraph in the document. Paragraphs are block-level elements that constitute a basic structure of a document and are usually rendered by browsers with top and bottom margins. Paragraphs can't contain block-level elements, including other paragraphs.

For Example:


A paragraph is a block-level element that doesn't allow other block-level elements as content. In fact, it can't even contain other paragraphs.

Paragraphs may also have personalized styles that authors can define using style sheets. The "align" attribute for this element has been deprecated since it has a strong presentational nature.


A paragraph is a block-level element that doesn't allow other block-level elements as content. In fact, it can't even contain other paragraphs.

Paragraphs may also have personalized styles that authors can define using style sheets. The "align" attribute for this element has been deprecated since it has a strong presentational nature.


tag defines a paragraph

A paragraph is marked up as follows:

This is some text in a paragraph.

A paragraph is a block-level element that doesn't allow other block-level elements as content. In fact, it can't even contain other paragraphs.

p tag in HTML free video demo on:


It defines paragraph.