> What is the best OS to learn programming?

What is the best OS to learn programming?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
For any of those things, all Linux distros should be the same.

If you want stable, go for Ubuntu stable version or CentOS, otherwise you have to update the OS every year for security and occasionally things break (libraries or programs you used to use disappear or change).

If you want to build packages for other people, you have to decide between RedHat and Debian style (or ideally do both). RedHat is, I think, more common in industry and Debian (Ubuntu etc.) with consumers.

Bash? In Windows? Well, I suppose you could start using cygwin. But eventually you will want a BSD or Linux computer.

start in safe mode to check their is nothing interfereing with the compiter. if it still doesnt work, you will need the operating system reinstalled

Im a beginner in programming...and I wanna learn Python,Perl,C,Java and Bash Scripting. Im using Windows 7 Ultimate as my current platform to learn those (im taking the Python as the fir st language to learn since im not an English native speaker and im 15). I just want a powerful OS, in perfomance and very stable. I already tried both Ubuntu Linux and Linux Mint as my new OS (by the way im typing this question right now using Linux Mint). I dont know what shall I use. On articles,mostly said that Linux Mint is better for beginner (yes indeed), but it is 'really' good to programming small and big projects on C and Java? Others said, that Ubuntu is the most flexible OS to execute such codes in those languages. So my question is....which is better,fast,and stable operation system for my programming and testing projects. Im sorry...if i asked you too much, but if you read till here,I just wanna ty even you not answer my question.