> What's the best program or method of learning web design at home?

What's the best program or method of learning web design at home?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
what Prometheus said... I woudn't even worry about setting up an Apache server either.. you can go a long way learning HTML CSS and Java Script just with your browser alone.

I would say the w3schools are a good start.. but if you want to go further, and you will need too... you next step is to buy a book on amazon and continue your learning... Set out a timeframe to cover the W3 schools.. then do the same for a book on java script for example and or HTML..

Next step is to get yourself a website and start to get to work... Ask your friends if you can convert their resume's into HTML for them... then put up a poster at star bucs... as you get more comfortable try to find bigger and bigger jobs. Also if you can find somebody on linked in or some such other professional site to be a mentor... Someone you can ask for direction who is familiar with the web design market..

Web pages are written in a Mark Up Language called HTML.

To be really good you need to lean how to code in HTML, CSS and Java Script.

You do not need any program. HTML Code can be written with any TEXT Editor like NOTE PAD which you have.

To Learn HTML, CSS and Java Script visit this web site: It is FREE.


Set up an Apache web server on a machine. Study the W3 schools pages and practice.