> What to do after Just Basic?

What to do after Just Basic?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
To maximize the usefulness of your programming skill, I'd recommend:

>> Visual Basic for Applications: a VB-like language used in MS Office macros that can save you a ton of time doing repetitive office work

>> Java: multiplatform, so you can use it in a lot of places - for example, writing your own Android apps

>> Python: a simple and easy-to-learn language commonly used for microcontrollers (those things you put into stuff to make them awesome, like internet-connected microwaves or DIY drones) and search engines (Google, for example)

>> Visual Basic: if you're gonna learn VBA, might as well add on VB. They're different, but not terribly different, and it'll expand your programming usefulness beyond MS Office into the rest of Windows (which your company, whatever its industry, will probably love)

>> If you're going into a STEM major (science/technology/engineering/math) and are using a TI calculator, TI-Basic might be a good thing to know. Makes tests easier :).

I'm a computer science major getting ready to transfer and I want to familiarize myself with a few programming languages before I go. I started off with Just Basic, the most basic iteration of the Basic language. I just wanted to know what should I tackle next. Should I go on to Liberty Basic, Visual Basic or a non Basic language?