> Which of the following is an optional phase in compilation process?

Which of the following is an optional phase in compilation process?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
A. code optimization

B. semantic analyzer

C. internediate language generation

D. preprocessing

E. both A & C

which one is correct?

A is optional. Code optimization is for some feature like speed or memory requirement, or to only use a particular subset of instructions.

The rest are part of the normal compilation process:

B determines things like symbol table, scope, types.

C is an essential step if used by the compiler, for example it might convert to assembler then use this to produce object code.

D is to determine what compiler directives, conditional compilation, macros., include files, for example what libraries might be needed.

A. code optimization

B. semantic analyzer

C. internediate language generation

D. preprocessing

E. both A & C

which one is correct?