> Is there a way I can make money from making graphics on tumblr?

Is there a way I can make money from making graphics on tumblr?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
The only thing I can think of would be taking commissions. Advertise your work and let people know that they can commission you to make something for them. Obviously, you can't charge a whole lot for it, but it's better than nothing.

Are these your own anime creations, or are you copying other characters?

If they aren't your own and you try to make money from it, then you'd likely be sued for copyright infringement. Even if you aren't currently making money, it could still be copyright infringement

If they are your own creations, then there is nothing to stop you from monetizing them, or offering to do commissions. The only thing is that most kids who like anime probably don't have any money.

Perhaps if you diversify into other forms of illustration or graphic design, there would be more scope to find clients willing to pay.

You could sign up for something like Google Adsense and put it on there but I don't know who would pay to see it, you know...

Unless you make graphics for clients.

I just felt like this is what I want to do right now, making graphics for animes that I watch. I'm kinda proficient with using Adobe products and Photoshop especially, with my edits ending up with usually 3k notes or more. A new desktop PC is what I'm aiming for at the moment because my current laptop is too slow for editing. And there doesn't seem to be other payable work with my current skill set that I feel interested in. Thanks!

P.S. I could use ad.fly pages on my tumblr links but I'm asking if there are any other alternatives?