> Anyone can suggest a simple, straight-forward and free editor for code that could handle multiple programming languages?

Anyone can suggest a simple, straight-forward and free editor for code that could handle multiple programming languages?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
All I pretty much need from it is to change the color of the key-words. (I have mac)

Eclipse seems to be used in most programming firms. It works on Mac, Windows and Linux so you should try it.

I also have a mac and i use komodo edit. Works perfectly.


People don't read...

For Mac, take a look at Sublime and TextMate:



Notepad ++ or SciTE.

notepad++ might work, i know its pretty useful and recommended on Windows.

Don't what will run on Mac, but Geany, and Bluefish do what you want. Lots of people swear by Eclipse (I haven't got around to trying it yet).

Crimson Editor is an oldie but goodie.

Code Blocks

There are a couple of other decent ones but their names escape me. A couple of good places to look is download.cnet.com and sourceforge.net

All I pretty much need from it is to change the color of the key-words. (I have mac)