> Background Programmes in Computer?

Background Programmes in Computer?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I have not tried Windows 8 yet. I assume it is similar to Windows 7, in this respect.

Windows 7 task manager has several tabs:

Applications: shows you the applications you are running, like your browser, email client, games, etc.

Services: These are system services that Windows starts automatically. These run in the background, and you don't usually have to worry about them. Examples, might be the printer queue, which sends print jobs to your printer. Others are listening for network traffic, or doing other maintenance type things.

Processes: Each Application and Service has one or more processes running. for example I am using the Chrome browser to answer this question. Under Applications it shows the Chrome Icon, and the name of this webpage (which is your question), and under Processes it shows at least 8 chrome.exe processes. Presumably one for each tab I have open, and some other housekeeping stuff.

Does it make more sense now?