> Beginner HTML question (titles/headers)?

Beginner HTML question (titles/headers)?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I assume you mean html headings tag, and not the header tag. An HTML heading would be the

tags, and the header tag belongs with HTML5. The header tags are

if I've been instructed to add a header size 2 at the BOTTOM of the page does that just mean adding the

before I close the body? Yes.

or is adding a header to the bottom of the page something different? No.


tags and do it before you close the body. Never write content outside of the tags.

Title Here

header 2 text here

if I've been instructed to add a header size 2 at the BOTTOM of the page does that just mean adding the

before I close the body? or is adding a header to the bottom of the page something different? So far the instructions leading up to that say "write 2 paragraphs about blah blah using the correct tags with a header size 2 above EACH of the paragraphs. Add a header size 2 at the BOTTOM of the page titled blah blah."

SO to clarify once more, is it just asking me to add a header after my second paragraph or am I missing something.
