> C++ Matching - what is this codes output?

C++ Matching - what is this codes output?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
This is not C++. I can answer your questions on C++, not on whatever MS-specific garbage-collected hackish "C++" they've decided to extend.

If you had included that in the title, I wouldn't have wasted my time.

Hello. I'd like some assistance with this problem if none of you mind.

Given the following code segment, the output is __.

String^ str = "11:57:21 AM";

Regex^ rx = gcnew Regex(":");

array^ s = rx->Split(str);

String^ result = "The current time is: ";

for each (String^ m in s)


result += m + " ";


A. The current time is: 11:57:21 AM

B. The current time is: 115721AM

C. The current time is: 11 57 21 AM

D. The current time is: 11:57:21AM