> Can someone help me with JAVA programming?

Can someone help me with JAVA programming?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Store {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

double price;

double total=0;

int item=1;


System.out.print("Item " + item + " price: ");

price = sc.nextDouble();







System.out.printf("Total: $%.2f \n", total);

System.out.print("Enter your payment in dollars:");

double payment = sc.nextDouble();

double change = payment - total;

System.out.printf("Your change: $%.2f \n", change);



A storeowner asks you to write a program for use in the checkout process.

The program should:

・ Prompt the user to enter the cost of the first item.

・ Continue to prompt for additional items, until the user enters 0.

・ Display the total.

・ Prompt for the dollar amount the customer submits as payment.

・ Display the change due.

Should look like Sample output Below:

Enter the cost of your first item in dollars, or 0 to quit: 4

Enter the cost of your next item in dollars, or 0 to quit: 5

Enter the cost of your next item in dollars, or 0 to quit: 0

Your total is $ 9.00

Enter your payment in dollars: 12

Your change is $ 3.00