> Can someone please help me learn java and make a game?

Can someone please help me learn java and make a game?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
You'll make more money washing windows. Make your own solution with water, rubbing alcohol and ammonia (play with the proportions, but the solution is mostly water), and you can use recycled newspaper (clean, of course) balled up for wiping instead of buying paper towels or a chamois. (Yes, my buddy and I actually did this in HS, and if you are your own employer, you don't need to get a work permit from school. At least, we didn't.)

The road from "I don't understand online tutorials in basic desktop Java" to writing Android apps is a long one, and even the hottest coder around is going to make $zilch unless (s)he hits on an game idea that a lot of people want to pay to play.

Don't get me wrong. I think learning to program is a good idea. It's just not a way to make money quickly. See if you can find a used copy of "Head First Java" for cheap or see if your public library has or can get it. (Authors: Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates) That's a "get started" book that lots of people like.

After that, try to find a copy of "Beginning Java xxx Game Programming" by Jonathan S. Harbour. That will take you from scratch to finish through the development of a complete, playable arcade-style 2-D game. (Warning, the ideas are good...Harbour's coding style is not the best...but I've seen worse from coworkers...but he does cover the important parts of how to build a game from scratch, including making your own game engine.)

[edit: The "xxx" is a Java version, not an MPAA rating. :^) The titles change with every edition, but you can use anything that's for Java 5 or later and not miss anything important. ]

Then, find a book on Android programming and get started on how to translate those ideas onto the small screen. The reason I suggest learning the basics on a desktop or notebook, instead of going to Android directly, is that debugging Android apps is a pain. Debugging on a real device is not well-supported, and the simulators are slow. Debugging any graphical app is not the sweetest thing, anyway, but remote debugging (running your tools on one machine and the code being debugged on another) adds an extra layer of complication.

PS: For the "other kind of windows", stick to 1st floor only jobs. I learned that the hard way.

I started off over the years learning Java, and to review I go to this site: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL... and there is going to be a playlist of the series' video. He explains it very clearly, but if you are a beginner in programming, I suggest you to start in a language called Batch(If you have a Windows computer). Then move on to something more complicated like Python then to Java. But it's nearly impossible to make a java game for mobile apps. I'd choose Objective-C as it's famous in the iOS programming world. Also after all of this, go to his intermediate playlist. Then to his development playlist. Bucky is an awesome guy and knows a lot of languages.

I'm sorry, but quickly learning Android and then writing a successful game is only a little less likely than winning the lottery.

If you've never programmed before then realistically you'll need at least 12 months just to get started, and then maybe another year before you can get a working game.

You can try something easy like the Unity Engine http://unity3d.com/unity/multiplatform/m... They have a lot of great tools and resources available for simple games and some good tutorials on Youtube. It's a good place to start. The software might take a couple of months to get the hang of.

My advice if your going to build a game is to get like 4 more friends who are all good at something on their computers. You'll need a graphics, sound, HTML and lead coder (you). To get started. Making it by yourself will take you forever.


Im only 15 and me and my mother arent doing to good cashwise. So i decided i would learn java, make an android game and sell it on google play. The main problem is that in most of the tutorials i watched or the websites ive checked dont explain it in a way that someone my age can understand. Please can someone teach me java and how to make a game please, i really want to help my mother.